Remote Worker Taxation Considerations: What Employers and Employees Should Understand

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has become common in a variety of workplaces and fields. Working from home has become a necessity in some cases, with more and more employees switching to permanent or regular work-from-home arrangements. This unprecedented shift towards remote work has certainly created conveniences for... Read More

What Happens If You Die Without a Will?

You may have heard that if you die without a will, your property will go to the state. For most cases, this is not accurate. Iowa has an intestacy statute which dictates where your assets will go if you die without a will. Here is a chart to explain where your property would go depending on the family members you leave behind: If you die with:... Read More

IRS Extends Deadline for Certain Required Amendments to Retirement Plans and IRAs

On August 3rd, 2022, IRS Notice 2022-33 extended the remedial amendment periods for qualified plans, 403(b) plans, governmental plans, and 457(b) plans to adopt certain, but not all, required plan amendments relating to the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (the “SECURE Act”), the Bipartisan American Miners Act of... Read More

Powers of Attorney: What They Are and Why You Need Them

Having a power of attorney is essential for the estate planning process. In Iowa, there are two types of powers of attorney available: medical power of attorney (also known as the health care power of attorney) and financial power of attorney (also known as the general power of attorney). Read on to learn more about the differences between these... Read More

Dental Associate: Your First Employment Contract

You’re getting ready to graduate dental school. Congratulations! After years of tests, labs, and working in the clinic, you are looking for the perfect job. Once you have secured a job offer, you are faced with a new challenge—the employment contract. Reviewing your employment contract can be intimidating and because you are so excited to have a... Read More

Wind Farm  Assessments for Repowers Have Changed

During the most recent legislative session, the Iowa legislature passed a new law affecting the assessment of wind turbines that could have a big impact on operators planning to repower their turbines. If the county adopts the special wind farm assessment ordinance, the wind turbines are each assessed based upon the value of the turbines,... Read More

Fourth Circuit Rules Gender Dysphoria is Covered by the ADA

On August 16, 2022, a federal circuit court ruled that the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) covers gender dysphoria. The case, Williams v. Kincaid, was not an employment case – but it will most likely have significant implications in the employment context (as well as other cases involving government services and public accommodations), as the... Read More

Employee Retention During the Great Resignation

In late 2020 and early 2021, employees began voluntarily exiting their jobs at unprecedented numbers in what has been coined “The Great Resignation,” “The Big Quit,” and “The Great Reshuffle.” In 2021, a record average of 4 million workers quit their job each month, surpassing the 3.5 million record set in 2019. This phenomenon has left employers... Read More

What Questions Should I Ask Before Dry Leasing an Aircraft?

I am contacted routinely by individuals that are interested in dry leasing an aircraft for either business or personal use (or both). These individuals have made the decision that they are willing to accept the risks of a dry lease of an aircraft (as opposed to a charter), which includes the party leasing the jet (the “dry lessee”) assuming full... Read More

Considerations for Selling to an ESOP

An employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) is an employee benefit plan that allows employees to share in the ownership of the company they work for. The shares are held in a trust, established by the company, for the benefit of participating employees. Generally, a company forms an ESOP which then purchases stock from the existing owner(s) at fair... Read More