As instances of the coronavirus are on the rise both nationally and across Iowa, it’s important for businesses to assess their contingency and disaster plans. Yesterday, Governor Kim Reynolds signed a disaster proclamation following the Iowa Department of Public Health's confirmation of 8 cases of COVID-19 in Iowa. The threat is real and requires businesses to plan accordingly.
BrownWinick remains hopeful that the effects of the coronavirus are minor in scope. However, we understand the potential for business disruption should the virus become widespread. That said, we have reviewed our plans to ensure preparedness and responsiveness if wide-spread illness should occur. For example, we have confirmed the firm’s capacity for videoconferencing, remote work, online collaboration, electronic signatures, electronic court filings, and key redundancies. These capabilities ensure that we can continue to provide timely and robust legal support should an increased presence of the virus threaten our work environment and require such actions. To the extent information about BrownWinick’s disaster response plan would impact key stakeholders, further updates would be posted on the firm’s website, social media, and other outlets.
As a business owner or employer, it is essential that a customized plan for your business be in place. Here are a few thoughts that may be useful as you consider the potential impact of the coronavirus on your particular situation.
Contact Information
For more information on this topic, please contact your BrownWinick attorney or call 515.242.2400. You can also find additional information related to this topic here: Coronavirus-Getting Back to Basics.