The pace quickened this week at the Capitol. The first major funnel deadline is next Friday, March 7, the eighth week of session. March 7th is the date by which Senate bills must be voted out of Senate Committees and House bills must be voted out of House Committees. However, there are certain committees that are not subject to this funnel deadline: Appropriations, Ways and Means, Leadership, and Government Oversight Bills. During this next week, expect to see a flurry of subcommittee meetings and lengthy Committee agendas as legislators work to advance their priorities through this first deadline.
Another policy priority mentioned in the Governor’s Condition of the State address was filed this week related to disaster recovery. HSB 246 and SSB 1188 were assigned to their respective House and Senate Local Government Committees. The 100+ page bill includes the following policy provisions:
Gender Identity Bills. Bills to add a new Iowa Code section providing rules of statutory construction for the word “sex” and other related terms and removing references to “gender identity” in regards to civil rights protections advanced through the process this week. SF 418 was introduced and passed through a subcommittee on Tuesday and Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. The bill further passed the Senate Chamber and House Chamber on Thursday. Its counterpart bill, HSB 242, passed out of a House subcommittee and Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, was refiled as HF 583, and passed the House Chamber Thursday. Before bills are sent to the Governor, both the House and Senate must approve the exact same language. After SF 418 passed the Senate it was messaged to the House. The House then substituted SF 418 for HF 583 and voted on SF 418. The Governor is expected to sign the bill soon.
Pipeline Bills Move in House Judiciary Committee. On Tuesday, four pipeline bills were voted out of the House Judiciary Committee. HF 238 - pipeline permit renewals; HF 240 - insurance requirements; HF 241 - requires all Iowa Utilities Commissioners be present at hearings and at least one for meetings; HF 242 - eminent domain review. The bills are headed to the House Debate Calendar. Companion bills in the Senate have been assigned to subcommittees, but have not yet met.
“Work Without Worry” bills moved through both House and Senate Subcommittees this week (HSB 241 and SSB 1174). Legislators heard testimony from several disabled Iowans who would like to work more or get married, but if they do they could lose access to Medicaid benefits due to being over the earning limits set in Code.
A bill to require a statute of Martin Treptow to be placed on the Capitol Complex passed a Senate subcommittee this week. SF 365, sponsored by Senator Lynn Evans, requires the Department of Administrative Services to solicit and approve a monument to Martin Treptow. Each design concept must feature the poem “My Pledge". Who is Martin Treptow? He was a young barber from Cherokee, Iowa who volunteered to fight in WWI. He was a Private with the Rainbow Division when he was killed in France. He was memorialized in President Ronald Reagan’s Inauguration Speech when he spoke of the heroism that our forebears displayed and referred to Martin Treptow. After he died, his diary was found which included this pledge: ''America must win this war. Therefore I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone.''
February 25: Visitors representing the Sun Valley Iowa Lake Association pose for a picture with their representative, Devon Wood in the House gallery.